Saturday, November 01, 2008

Obama's Auntie Turns Out To Be An Illegal....

As you may, or may not, have heard late in the week this week, a UK paper broke the news that the beloved Obama-his 'brother's keeper'-has an Aunt who lives in the projects in Boston. 

For the original story, see this link. (don't bother trying this link now, ironically, the UK Times has pulled the story!)

The Boston Herald had much to say about Obama's Aunt, calling her an 'exemplary resident'. See this link for more on that.

What is most interesting, however, is that Obama's Aunt Zeituni Onyango, is an illegal. Check out the rest of the story at this link. It seems the Bush administration is stepping in to do what Obama has failed to the poor woman. I think we are seeing here what the Messiah is really all about.
**UPDATE: for those thinking Obama would save his Auntie...think again. See this link. 


Milners for HIM said...

I am having the best time watching the DNC fall apart! I love all these secret Dems who are voting for McCain/Palin! Ladies, let's pray and WORK HARD to help our candidates. Hey, let's pray that Joe the Veep candidate keeps running his mouth--because he's doing an awesome job of closing the gap.

Tami said...

Thanks to you guys who pointed out that I had let the copycat blogger through in a comment! I wasn't aware I had done so--so it is removed. We don't serve as an advertising agency for those looking to get their blog seen by the crazies who visit here....

Anonymous said...

How can he preach the crazy thought of forcefully "spreading the wealth' when he hasn't taken care of his own family? Have we forgotten about his brother?